Procrastinate – learn to avoid it and try adapting a proactive attitude

Procrastinate - learn to avoid it and try adapting a proactive attitude

Procrastinate your work and you will always find yourself in mess – that’s one advice I would give to my younger self.

If there was any competition in my younger days where my skills to procrastinate required a portrayal, then I would have easily bagged a gold medal in it.

This post has won  ‘WOW Badge’ for Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

Seriously. I think I was the best task master in my childhood when it came to the matter of delaying things. Of course, it was not a God gifted talent. Once Mahatma Gandhi said :

If I have the belief

that I can do it,

I shall surely acquire

the capacity to do it

even if I may not have it,

at the beginning.

I just twisted the above quote according to my own convenience. To me, life was a rhyme which would always go in my own rhythm. Whenever I had the belief that I could do a certain task, then I assured myself to acquire the capacity of doing it. If not today, then definitely tomorrow.Tomorrow always looked brighter and promising to me.Then was there any rush to initiate or complete any task today itself ?

All the boring things in life such as – memorising difficult lessons, solving complex sums repeatedly, practising mock-papers within time before exams never had the power to stress me. I knew I could always handle them the next day, next week or next month for sure. I was so cool about the whole scenario. But I don’t know why my parents hesitated at times to buy my cool attitude.

Procrastinate - learn to avoid it and try adapting a proactive attitude

For them, it was always important to stay well revised with the laws of Newton, chemical formulae, names & dates from history, latitudes or longitudes of geographical locations and painful mathematical algorithms every time.

I couldn’t make them understand that the preparations I did last week were good enough to sustain me in exams. A simple revision job tomorrow would do the rest magic of securing good marks. And, ‘tomorrow’ used to come much later (on the day before exams) along with panic and helplessness.

Needless to say, destiny also decided to procrastinate in waving it’s magic wand upon me. Although I didn’t fail in any subject and always scored above average marks, but I knew I could have done much much better.

This could give me a good rank in exams, make my admission into a much better college, build a wide variety of career opportunities for me. But all those became a distant dream only because I decided to procrastinate my duties as a student.

Procrastinate - learn to avoid it and try adapting a proactive attitude

I guess some lessons are learnt in hard way. Till date, I have this bad habit of postponing tedious but important household activities, phone call or decisions for my blog to the next day or next week. Each time I reschedule my task to some other time, I remember my childhood days.

Related :  Blog : a new journey to find my own self

What to do? Some habits never change. It needs relentless efforts and a hard working soul to have a proactive attitude towards different chores of life. I wish there was an ‘undo’ button with which I could rectify my previous mistakes. However, it’s better late than never. So what if I have not respected the value of time in my past. I will try my best to complete jobs that need my immediate attention today, at this moment. Leaving it for tomorrow isn’t going to be my approach anymore.

I can’t bring back my younger self and give her this important advice of life. But, I will certainly impart this value to my next generation

Do you have the habit to procrastinate ? Share your views in ‘Love to read your thoughts’ section below.

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This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

10 thoughts on “Procrastinate – learn to avoid it and try adapting a proactive attitude”

  1. Engaging read!
    I do procrastinate things… specially related to kitchen and cooking. Fridge in the kitchen has to bear the burden of my procrastination! Poor thing, it cant be anything but cool!!!!
    – Anagha From Team MocktailMommies

    1. And I feel so exhausted after cooking just two dishes in kitchen or cleaning some utensils that sleep/rest becomes the main agenda for rest of the day. Writing a simple post looks like a daunting task then 🙂

      Thanks for appreciating the post !!

    1. You are not alone Sara. I am very sure that you won’t be able to beat me in this skill. I am honing this particular habit since a very long time 🙂

  2. Great post Moumita. I like your positive attitude; you cannot change the past but you can control your attitude today.

    By nature I am not a procrastinator. I always do what is required before the deadline as I do not like working under pressure. I set pre- deadlines before the final deadline to ensure I allow for delays. I place reminders in my phone for the simplest of tasks; book doctors appointment, buy birthday card/gift, send message to friend/family member. I avoid relying on memory to complete tasks and the reminders also act as a prompt as there are only so many times you can put it off.

  3. I am so split on this topic, Moumita. When out comes to everyday tasks like laundry, dishes, cleaning, and keeping up withy my e-mail, I am on top of it and never let it lie. But when it comes to bigger tasks, I have a tendency to ignore them until they NEED to be done.

    1. I am also somewhat like that Doreen. Sitting idle on some tasks which I don’t like, but needs to be done is my real bad habit.

Love to read your thoughts