I Know What I May Do This Summer

Summer is here and also it’s exactly 2 months since I have posted anything in my highly ambitious project….er…category TURNING BACK AT THE WEEK. This category in my blog was meant to capture the nitty gritty that happened in my life in the previous week. You can call it a weekly journal.
But my secret aim behind creating this category was only to maintain a healthy writing regime. So that there is always something to write about even when there is a famine in my ideas. But there are only handful of people in this world who can actually execute whatever plans they make. From my very first line in this post, it’s kind of obvious that I don’t belong to that planned-and-perfectly-executed category.
Reason(s) ?
Oh well, there are quite a few :
Flying back to India (in an airline, in case you thought I attempted to fly literally)
Getting accustomed to a changed (yet the same one where I grew up) surrounding. This adjustment process takes quite a few days. Sometimes a little change in the atmosphere can impact your mood to write. Like you can get puzzled thinking how on earth you can manage the laptop over the top of a cushion on your lap and concentrate on writing while balancing your one leg on the floor and other on the adjacent sofa. Believe me, it needs days of practice.
A family wedding. When you are a part of one after another wedding rituals, activities like writing is bound to take a backseat. It’s a different matter altogether that you have a very little idea of what you need to do with rest of the women in the rituals. The only thing you can do is to get decked up in heavy saree, makeup and stick a smile on your face.
View this post on Instagram#weddings #familygettogether #funtimes #indianwedding #weeklong #festivities #dolledup
March, especially April is the onset of summer in India. This is not much of a pleasant news for people like me who always regret for not belonging from a hill station. Summer and me – both of us never get along very well. Itching and subsequent embarrassing rashes on skin is another problem. Hight humidity levels will exhaust you to an extent that writing will look like a tiring activity.
Moreover, how can you even think of creative ideas when sweat drops from every possible part of your body? Even now as I write this article, I am sitting on the floor (so that my dress doesn’t get wet from sweat after sitting in the leather sofa) and have placed the laptop on the coffee table. In my mind, I am patting my back for discovering this amazing eco-friendly writing desk.
As if summer and sweat weren’t enough, mosquitos are always ready to give their love bites. My another arch-rival. Since childhood, a single bite or touch from mosquitos leaves ugly marks on my skin. Seems like this summer I will be reliving my childhood(and teenage years) again.
The above reasons may look like an excuse to you(um….even I am feeling they are slightly silly reasons).But I am telling you these are genuine issues at the same time. However, it doesn’t mean that I have written nothing at all. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME will vouch for me. And also I am almost halfway through Durjoy Datta’s novel THE PERFECT US. Now, do I sound convincing enough that I haven’t wasted my time completely all the while?
View this post on InstagramCHARITY BEGINS AT HOME ! A Henry Preston once took the meaning of this phrase to a whole new level. Jeffrey Archer talks about him in his short story. Although written years back,still we will be able to relate to it as we live in a world full of scams 😋 Find more about this interesting story from the LINK IN BIO 😊 #jeffreyarcher #shortstories #fictionlover #bookworm #bookstagram #indianbloggercommunity #bloggerlife #writingcommunity
Skipping the planned writing schedule sits on your mind like a guilt. Even bigger guilt than cheating on your diet and relishing crispy potato chips and two cones of strawberry flavoured Cornetto ice creams.
I had plans to use my stay in India behind writing and reading(assuming that I will get enough spare time here). But plans seldom work. This trip made me realise that creativity does not only depend on your mental stability and inner calm. External factors that help you to maintain your so called inner stability and calmness are most important.
View this post on InstagramCouldn’t resist the urge to post the image of my smudged finger 😋 #democracy #donewith #voting #elections #lookingforwardto #betterfuture
Nevertheless, can’t say if I have wasted last two months behind nothing. Election season is in which has increased India’s temperature further. I too have burnt my hand in this heat…actually one finger. Hope we have a better future and God gives me more patience this summer to sit before the laptop.
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